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Previous dates
KOPERGIETERY (theaterzaal & kantoren)
Blekerijstraat 50
9000 Gent
KOPERGIETERY (theaterzaal & kantoren)
Blekerijstraat 50
9000 Gent
KOPERGIETERY (theaterzaal & kantoren)
Blekerijstraat 50
9000 Gent
KOPERGIETERY (theaterzaal & kantoren)
Blekerijstraat 50
9000 Gent
KOPERGIETERY (theaterzaal & kantoren)
Blekerijstraat 50
9000 Gent
CC De Spil
H. Spilleboutdreef 1
8800 Roeselare
051 265 700
Theater Antigone
Overleiestraat 47
8500 Kortrijk
056 24 08 87
Theater Antigone
Overleiestraat 47
8500 Kortrijk
056 24 08 87
Theater Antigone
Overleiestraat 47
8500 Kortrijk
056 24 08 87
Cultuurcentrum Hasselt
Kunstlaan 5
3500 Hasselt
011 22 99 33
In SHE actress/singer Laurence Roothooft puts herself in the shoes of women who have (had) a profound effect on her. Together with director Suze Milius she pushes her innate transformative urge to the limit.
Laurence basically wonders if she is leading her life in the right persona.
How many roles can you play in life?
What if you played individuals you greatly admire?
Would that be a way of ‘being’ them?
Laurence, as the alter ego of Cardi B, Angela Merkel, Mum Jacqueline, Oprah, Cindy Sherman, her great-great-grandmother, or Grace Jones?
SHE isn’t your run-of-the-mill theatre monologue.
SHE is whirling, musical and dressed whichever way her fancy takes her.
SHE is unforgettable and dazzling.
SHE is moving and probably slightly OTT.
CONCEPT: Laurence Roothooft & Suze Milius
PLAY: Laurence Roothooft
DIRECTOR: Suze Milius
COSTUME DESIGN: Johanna Trudzinski
MUSIQUE: Jasper Segers
LIGHT DESIGN: Sander Salden
SOUND: Jonas De Wulf
DECOR CONSTRUCTION: Koen Demeyere, Kris Van Oudenhove
TECHNIQUE: Jeroen Doise, Jonas De Wulf, Niels Verougstraete
PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT: Koen Demeyere, Gielke Smet
WITH THE SUPPORT OF the Tax Shelter measurement of the Belgian federal government.
“ ‘Tell me who you want me to be, I can be anything.’ At its best, ‘SHE’ captures in a handful of words what
it means to be a woman, the desire for empowerment and the right to speak, but also the deep-seated self-doubt.”
DE STANDAARD, C. De Somviele
“With very minute interventions, Laurence Roothooft manages to bring the other women to life. It is this multiplicity of voices and characters that prevails. At speed, they become one voice, which through different timbres manages to express shared doubts and an unanswered desire to be really heard.”
PZAZZ, L. Ogiers
Actress and singer Laurence Roothooft graduated in 2011 at the Toneelacademie Maastricht, after which she did one year at the Rotterdamse Dansacademie. Since then, she has worked with a plethora of theatre makers and directors, both on stage and for television. At KOPERGIETERY she performed in ‘Gran - the Godmother’ and ‘The Daltons’. With her partner Tom Pintens she constitutes the English-language band ELDERS.
Theatre maker Suze Milius studied at Acting International in Paris and trained to be a director at the Toneelacademie Maastricht. She has worked/directed with various Belgian and Dutch theatre companies such as hetpaleis, Het Zuidelijk Toneel, Laika and Het Nieuwstedelijk. Together with Stefan Jakiela she forms the Brussels based arts centre House Crying Yellow Tears. In 2018 she won the Erik Vos prize for outstanding up-and-coming theatre makers.
Jasper Segers is as musician, producer and mixer active in the band 'Jaguar Jaguar' and Sylvie Kreusch. He also works behind the scenes on various projects as a sound wizard. In 2019 he won the prize for 'Young Music' at the Belgian art festival Theater Aan Zee with his solo project Jacobin.