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Previous dates
KOPERGIETERY (theaterzaal & kantoren)
Blekerijstraat 50
9000 Gent
KOPERGIETERY (theaterzaal & kantoren)
Blekerijstraat 50
9000 Gent
KOPERGIETERY (theaterzaal & kantoren)
Blekerijstraat 50
9000 Gent
KOPERGIETERY (theaterzaal & kantoren)
Blekerijstraat 50
9000 Gent
KOPERGIETERY (theaterzaal & kantoren)
Blekerijstraat 50
9000 Gent
Schouwburg Rex: Smallestraat 2
Zaal 't Getouw: Molenhoekstraat 2
014 33 09 00
CC Muze
Dekenstraat 40
3550 Heusden-Zolder
011 80 80 98
CC De Spil
H. Spilleboutdreef 1
8800 Roeselare
051 265 700
Brandegems Ham 5,
9820 Merelbeke
T 09 210 35 80
Bondgenotenlaan 21
3000 Leuven
016 300 900 (tickets)
Bondgenotenlaan 21
3000 Leuven
016 300 900 (tickets)
055 30 13 66 (tickets)
as black pudding
as a charred piece of wood
as it is before my eyes
as the lunar eclipse
as the bitterest coffee
as the night
as a tiny black sheep
‘COLORS’ shows the true colour range of a diverse group of people on stage. Eight me’s in eighty colours. Each colour has its own personality and identity. Like you. You have your own character, move the way only you can, think and feel the way no-one else can. If every ‘me’ were a colour, what colour would you be? White-grape green, midnight black or fluorescent yellow?
And what if your colour remains unseen?
Does that make you invisible or is your colour yet to be invented?
In the musical ‘COLORS’ the actors – adults, youngsters, individuals with or without an impairment – investigate how colours affect us. However mutually different they may seem, each of them adds colour to our world. So, together they start looking for that one painting into which all their colours would fit, and they build a world where all thoughts, colours and sounds live side by side.
PRODUCTION: Het Scheldeoffensief, KOPERGIETERY & KGbe
CONCEPT: Frank Dierens
PLAY: Marah Haj Hussein, Flor Van Severen, Julia Luna Dierens, Oskar Stalpaert, Julia Terryn, Billie Valcke, Sofie Verniers, Maurice Walschaerts
DIRECTION: Frank Dierens, Jitse Huysmans
MUSIC: Geoffrey Burton
DRAMATURGY: Matthias Velle
COSTUMES: Valerie Le Roy
LIGHT: Jeroen Doise
SOUND: Jonas De Wulf
DECOR & TECHNIQUE: Koen Demeyere, Bart Van Bellegem, Kris Van Oudenhove
PRODUCTION MANAGER: Polien Demeulemeester
SUPPORT: Dominique Collet, An Van den Bergh
WITH THE SUPPORT OF the Flemish Government, the city of Ghent and the Tax Shelter measurement of the Belgian federal government.
Het Scheldeoffensief was founded in 2017 by theatre maker Frank Dierens (including KOPERGIETERY 'Kopbeest', 'First Snow', 'Dallas', Comp. Marius and Laika) and pedagogue An Van den Bergh. With Het Scheldeoffensief, they make (location) theatre with people with mental and/or physical disabilities. On the one hand, they organise weekly inclusive theatre workshops, and on the other they create an annual performance using a professionally framed programme.
Jitse Huysmans is a theatre maker, performer/actress and drama therapist. With the Ghent collective Elan(d) (a.o. 'In between spaces'), she explores the boundaries between theatre, dance and visual art. She works a.o. for Het Scheldeoffensief ('BRUT-a-l'air'), STAP Roeselare, hetpaleis, Schouwburg Kortrijk and Veerman.
Geoffrey Burton is a guitarist, music producer and composer. Burton is a member of music band Hong Kong Dong and has worked(ed) with the likes of Arno, Charlotte Adigéry, Soulwax, Grace Jones, Daan and Triggerfinger. In 2021, he launched his debut album 'Me Ta Podia'. He composed the music for, among others, the stage shows 'WaRaMiS' and 'De Bank', both in a creation by Frank Dierens, and for the KOPERGIETERY show 'The history of the world through banalities'.
Flor Van Severen is part of the young theatre collective WOLF WOLF, which produced 'Voorjaarsontwaken' and 'Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf'. Flor also stars in 'Ten Oorlog II' (Camping Sunset).
Marah Haj Hussein is a dancer and actress. She obtained a Bachelor of Dance at the Royal Conservatory (Antwerp) and is currently studying Drama at KASK School of Arts Ghent. She performs in 'TH LNG GDBY' (Tuur Marinus) and 'Another Sacre' (Bérengère Bodin/Alain Platel).