The workshops are the heart and soul of KOPERGIETERY.
Each season about 150 children between the ages of 8 and 18 meet up with a professional coach/artist on a weekly basis. It is a process of mutual inspiration, of perfecting skills and individual talents but also of acquiring insights. Insights into what drama and theatre can be. Insights into what happens in the world.
The approach and ways of artistic expression, the group set-up and team of coaches change regularly, which greatly boosts the internal dynamics. The workshops try to yield at least one tangible project per season. Artistically successful projects coming out of those workshops often grow into fully-fledged shows, such as Pubers Bestaan Niet (Once and for all we're gonna tell you who we are So shut up and listen), Rennen (Run) and Shelter.
Tijs Verbrugge & Lindah Leah Nyirenda
0032 9 266 11 45 / 44