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The Class

The Class
Previous dates
KOPERGIETERY (theaterzaal & kantoren)
Blekerijstraat 50
9000 Gent
KOPERGIETERY (theaterzaal & kantoren)
Blekerijstraat 50
9000 Gent
KOPERGIETERY (theaterzaal & kantoren)
Blekerijstraat 50
9000 Gent
KOPERGIETERY (theaterzaal & kantoren)
Blekerijstraat 50
9000 Gent
KOPERGIETERY (theaterzaal & kantoren)
Blekerijstraat 50
9000 Gent
KOPERGIETERY (theaterzaal & kantoren)
Blekerijstraat 50
9000 Gent
KOPERGIETERY (theaterzaal & kantoren)
Blekerijstraat 50
9000 Gent
KOPERGIETERY (theaterzaal & kantoren)
Blekerijstraat 50
9000 Gent
KOPERGIETERY (theaterzaal & kantoren)
Blekerijstraat 50
9000 Gent
KOPERGIETERY (theaterzaal & kantoren)
Blekerijstraat 50
9000 Gent
KOPERGIETERY (theaterzaal & kantoren)
Blekerijstraat 50
9000 Gent
KOPERGIETERY (theaterzaal & kantoren)
Blekerijstraat 50
9000 Gent
Pastoor De Nevestraat 10
9900 Eeklo
Pastoor De Nevestraat 10
9900 Eeklo
Vlotstraat 22
9000 Gent
Vlotstraat 22
9000 Gent
Vlotstraat 22
9000 Gent
Vlotstraat 22
9000 Gent
Vlotstraat 22
9000 Gent
Vlotstraat 22
9000 Gent
60 minutes,
1 class,
10 desks,
20 chairs and as many youngsters, satchels, pen cases.
A multitude of pens, folders, secrets, rejections,
fights, hormones, friendships forever, lice, listening,
shouting, sighing, learning,
Copernicus, casting out nines, distinctions and flunking,
the future, opportunities and problems.
In short: a class, no more, no less. Easy peasy.
Vibrant, familiar, funny, moving.
TEXT AND DIRECTION: Griet Dobbelaere & Pepijn Lievens
CONCEPT: Lien Maes & Yahya Terryn
PLAY: Ayame Calmeyn, Lasse De Beul, Staf De Neve, Nuraili De Paepe, Nalren De Paepe, Bruna Frederico, Blanche Ghyssaert, Rinaldo Hricko, Jaco Lagrange, Willem Loobuyck, Nuncia Nijs, Lotta Rossel, Manou Schepens, Mio Standaert, Bebel Baloji, Rosalie Vandekeckhove, Sirkenan Van Lierde, Jaco Van Robays
DANSCOACH: Fée Roels | SCENOGRAPHY: Kris Van Oudenhove | LIGHT: Jeroen Doise | VIDEO SOUND: Diederik De Cock | TECHNIQUE: Koen Demeyere, Jonas De Wulf | PRODUCTION MANAGER: Gielke Smet
WITH THE SUPPORT OF the Tax Shelter measure of the Belgian Federal Government.
Actor and writer Pepijn Lievens is known in youth theatre mainly for productions of his own company 'De Bende van de Prins' (Averechts, Donderdag & King Kong). In recent years he has played and written for 4Hoog, hetpaleis and KOPERGIETERY. He also wrote two books: 'Relaas van een stofzuiger' and 'Vlucht van pluizen'.
Griet Dobbelaere is artistic coordinator of the drama workshops of KOPERGIETERY and freelance actress/voice actor. As an actress, she played a.o. 'Lava, een Bodemonderzoek' and 'Mijnheer Porselein' (Studio Orka), 'Heimwee naar Tirgu Mureş' and 'Het Laatste Kind' (Hanneke Pauwe) and 'Lege Ogen' (Padarijs). For KOPERGIETERY she played in 'Meisjes van krijt/Chalk Girls'. Together with Han Coucke she created the comedy show 'Han en Grietje', with which they won the audience and jury prize at the Utrecht Cabaret Festival in 2019.